Frequentism and LLN
Hacking Secret-Ballot Elections
Although in the modern era, you could step into a booth with a ballot, fill it out, take a private camera-phone shot of it with your license in view, and then be required to present that photo to your employer, et. al. There's nothing to prevent that at my polling place, for example. Just a thought.
Thoughts and Cavalry
Alfred North Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics (1911):
By relieving the brain of all unnecessary work, a good notation sets it free to concentrate on more advanced problems, and, in effect, increases the mental power of the race. Before the introduction of the Arabic notation, multiplication was difficult, and the division even of integers called into play the highest mathematical faculties. Probably nothing in the modern world would have more astonished a Greek mathematician than to learn that … a large proportion of the population of Western Europe could perform the operation of division for the largest numbers. This fact would have seemed to him a sheer impossibility … Our modern power of easy reckoning with decimal fractions is the almost miraculous result of the gradual discovery of a perfect notation. [...] By the aid of symbolism, we can make transitions in reasoning almost mechanically, by the eye, which otherwise would call into play the higher faculties of the brain. [...] It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilisation advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in a battle — they are strictly limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments.
Conjunction Junction

I've grown accustomed to teaching the standard logical operators in all of my classes -- whether they be fundamentals of math, introduction to computers, statistics and probability, etc. So when the song starts and says, "I got three favorite cars/ That get most of my job done", well, of course I expected to see "And/ Or/ Not" -- but then what actually appears (as you can see in the top picture) is "And/ But/ Or". So, I was surprised at how jarred I was by that.
As the song explains each connecting word, it first says, "And: That's an additive, like 'this and that'". Okay, makes sense. Then the next bit is: "But: That's sort of the opposite, 'Not this but that'". (See picture below.)

So stick that in your smokestack, Schoolhouse Rock! (But -- I still have the danged thing stuck in my head...)
Watch video here. Or: Read lyrics here.
New Blog Tagline
"It's like you took a bat and clubbed us with math"; which I think is entirely delightful to think about.
Naming Large Numbers
- Divide by 3
- Subtract 1
- Say that in Latin (with "-illion").
Example #1: 1.01238 x 10^18.
Do 18/3-1 = 6-1 = 5. So this is about "one quintillion".
Example #2: 2.13129 x 10^48
Do 48/3-1 = 16-1 = 15. So this is about "two quindecillion".
Example #3: 6.38733 x 10^95
Do 95/3-1 = 31-1 = 30. Since we had a remainder of 2 at the division step, I'll say this is about "six hundred trigintillion".