- Nationally, about 65% of incoming community college students need some form of remedial education (2:1 ratio of math to reading).
- At CUNY, about 75% of students need some remediation.
- In NYS, fewer than 50% of graduating high school students are ready for college or careers.
- In NYC, the proportion of prepared high school graduates is only 23%.
- At LaGuardia, 40% of all math classes taught are remedial.
- Cost of remediation at CUNY doubled in the last 10 years to $33 million.
- About 25% of CUNY community college freshman graduate with a degree after 6 years. (Nationwide it's about 35%.)
Remedial Math at CUNY (NYTimes, 2011)
Here's a clear-eyed and concise article from the New York Times back in 2011, "CUNY Adjusts Amid Tide of Remedial Students", regarding remedial math classes at CUNY (where I work), mostly focusing on LaGuardia Community College (a different school than my own). Similar information to stuff we know from elsewhere, but I didn't note it at the time, and I wanted to document it here. Some highlights:
Good lord. I wonder what the stats are at my institutions? East Tennessee can't be great... I mean, they're a great bunch of kids, but I've recently learned that most of 'em have never heard the words "premise," "egalitarian," or "deduction." And the average age is 27 at one my employers (institutionally, not in my classes).