"Beauty is the Enemy of Expression"
The Death of Chegg
One of the silver linings of the boom of LLM AI's such as ChatGPT is the very sudden demise of one of the worst companies in existence, ...
Retention and Interventions
I saw a new report on retention for freshmen students at CUNY recently. This chart of CUNY Guttman (formerly the New Community College) rete...
A Strange Commitment
I was recently reminded of this anecdote from Junaid Mubeen, originally in Bright Magazine. Juniad recalls a time where he assisted his 12-y...
Phonics Makes a Comeback
As a long-time instructor of remedial math at a community college (among other things), I've always felt strongly that our discipline is...
Duality of Floor and Modulus
Have you ever considered the duality of the floor and modulus operators, in that either one can be expressed in terms of the other (along ...
Yes, Euclid's Proof of Infinite Primes Uses Contradiction
It's common nowadays in conversations about the method of proof-by-contradiction for someone to pop in and say, "People think Eucli...
A Game for Bored Math Teachers
Let's say you're an instructor in a low-level math course; maybe something like college algebra, a liberal-arts math course, or some...
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